
Google Premier Partners Accelerate 2016 is an event which brings Google’s top Premier Partner agencies together for an amazing chance of networking opportunities and learning. This year we had the honor to visit Google in Dublin as a shortlisted agency among 145 Premier Partner agencies from the EMEA region (Europe, Middle-East, Africa). This is pretty big achievement as this 145 agencies were chosen from more than 1600 applicants.

To give you an overview of the lessons learned at the Accelerate Event, we brought you a post about the most interesting topics discussed.

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Performance Marketing practices that can be harmful to your business

What is the next step in my marketing plan? Can I go with the same strategy again? How do I delegate the tasks?” Should you be familiar with any of the questions above, you might be one of those companies that inspired this article. During the last 4 years, while working on large, market leader projects within Central and Eastern Europe, these concerns always raised their head.

In order to disperse the doubts, this time we are going to take a peek into the matters of objective planning, external market expansions, HR and technology in the field of performance marketing activities. We believe that these concerns can be decimated by breaking the most common Performance Marketing practices that are harmful to your business’ progression.  Let us now categorize them and put an end to common misbeliefs.

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5 PPC Case Studies

Does it pay off? Isn’t it a waste of money? Will it lure clicks away from organic search results?

Over the years while working on large, market leader clients the same question arises eventually. Why should we bid on our brand name? We already rank #1 for search queries related to our brand name.

Common sense could make you believe it truly is a waste of ad budget, better spent in alignment with some other marketing goals. Advertisers with less online experience often believe that these type of ads will never pay off. Already ranking for the top results in the organic search results is a reasonable argument. They believe they are paying a lot of money for the exact same searches, cannibalizing organic results this way.

But numbers beat opinion. We unquestionably believe in results. As a consequence, when we face a challenge, we test the theories. So we did the math for you.

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